The Madras High Court Law Clerks Recruitment 2012 in Chennai. The Madras High Court is a senior court located at Chennai, India. High Court of Madras has recently invited applications for the post of Law Clerks, Candidates who’s age is not more then as specified in Law Clerks jobs notification and having qualification of LLB/ PhD from the university/ Institute recognized by the Government of India with relevant experience (if any) are eligible to apply for the pos.
Salary in High Court of Madras for the Law Clerks post is Rs.5,000/-
How to Apply:
Candidates who are willing to be considered for the above Government jobs in Chennai may Apply through Offline application forms containing the particulars of qualifications, job experience and required essentials enclosures should be sent it on or before 13th Jul2012 to:
The Registrar General,
High Court,
Madras – 600 104
Important Dates:
Closing date for High Court of Madras application : 13.07.2012
visit for official advertisement.